Welcome to ET Palestine!
We are so excited you are here. Here are a few different steps you can take here at ET Palestine. Wanting to become a new member, there is a class for you! Wanting to profess your faith through Baptism, we want to celebrate that with you! Want to meet with a Pastor, we would love to meet with you!
New Members Class
Interested in learning more about the ET Palestine, or becoming a member? Our ET New Members class is a two week class with our Pastors. Dates will be set soon, so sign up now! Use the link below and be on the lookout for the dates!
Interested in Baptism?
Are you someone who is interested proclaiming your faith publicly in the form of baptism. We would love to celebrate that with you! Fill out this form below or call the Church Office, (903)-729-2863, to set up a meeting with a Pastor to talk more about Baptism and set a date!